Dr. Sam Bernecker, Director
Sam is a psychotherapy researcher and clinical psychologist. They earned an National Institutes of Health NRSA (F31) fellowship during her graduate work at the University of Massachusetts with Dr. Mike Constantino, where they investigated “what works for whom” in psychotherapy and developed a scalable mental health tool that leverages peer support and digital learning. They completed a postdoctoral fellowship at Harvard University with Drs. Ron Kessler and Matt Nock, where they conducted research on the cost-effectiveness of treatments for suicidal military servicemembers. They have worked as a management consultant with BCG and as a researcher in the digital mental health and coaching industry. They are currently a Program Manager for Rethink Wellbeing, an organization that aims to improve the mental health of the Effective Altruism community. They also serve on the board of the Happier Lives Institute.

Nebula M. Underfoot, Chief Mischief Officer
Nebula is, objectively, the world’s best cat. She knows how to sit, high five, stand, and leap on command. Her hobbies include riding on your shoulders, purloining pizza, charming strangers, and yelling. She has not had breakfast yet.