Year 1
- Recruit a network of interested practitioners and researchers
- Recruit a board of directors and pursue 501(c)(3) nonprofit status
- Investigate practitioners’ outstanding questions about how to most effectively conduct psychedelic guidance/psychotherapy (via qualitative interviews and quantitative surveys)
- Investigate practitioners’ attitudes towards science and research
- Develop a research prioritization/scoring framework
Year 2
- Seek funding from grants and private donors
- Develop technical infrastructure for data collection
- Hire operations staff
- Draw on results of Year 1 projects, in collaboration with researchers, to score and prioritize research questions
- Publish research priorities
- Identify PIs/co-investigators for first set of psychedelic-assisted guidance/psychotherapy studies and co-develop study protocols
Year 3
- Hire research staff
- Conduct first set of psychedelic-assisted guidance/psychotherapy studies with practitioners in the network